Internationella nyheter om samhällsentreprenörskap / social innovation

Tips på spännande resurser internationellt:

Mumbai (India); ”Beyond Profit, a new social enterprise magazine, presents the stories, people and ideas behind these innovating social ventures by bringing you first-hand insights and expert commentary….The publication is brought to you by Intellecap – a social investment advisory firm providing services to the for-profit development sector in areas such as financial inclusion, water, energy and education.

SF/Bay area (US); ”Ode is a print and online publication about positive news, about the people and ideas that are changing our world for the better…. Ode also built a community of readers who are passionate about the magazine and the issues for which it stands: positive social, environmental and economic change. … a new website that allows them to communicate, socialize and contribute to Ode.’s mix of print and online journalism with user-generated content and social networking makes it unique on the Web.

London? (UK); ”Social Enterprise aims to be the most engaging, informative and useful resource for business people who are passionate about changing lives, building communities and nurturing the environment.”

Seattle (US); ”This website will carry information about social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. It will extract information from many other websites around the world. SEM-O will cover the activities of entrepreneurial organizations…”

London (UK); ”Alliance is the leading magazine for philanthropy and social investment worldwide. It provides news and analysis of what’s happening in the philanthropy and social investment sectors across the world. It also acts as a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences among practitioners.”

LA/NYC (US)”GOOD is a collaboration of individuals, businesses, and nonprofits pushing the world forward. Since 2006 we’ve been making a magazine, videos, and events for people who give a damn.”

Toronto (Canada) ”SEE Change was founded in 2009 by Elisa Birnbaum and Nicole Zummach. Through our work as journalists and researchers covering the nonprofit sector, we were inspired by the social enterprise models we saw emerging. Armed with a mutual passion for storytelling and the desire to see change in the way people do business, we embarked on our journey. The result is SEE Change – The magazine of social enterprise and entrepreneurship. Its inaugural issue was published in February 2010.”

Silicon Valley (US) ”SHiFT is an energetic, innovative mix of in-depth editorials, topical interviews, rich infographics and stunning photography focused on innovating for the common good. Our mission is to inspire people to contribute time, energy and resources to overcome the challenges that our communities face. Expect to find themes that range from environmental stewardship to corporate philanthropy, from health care to education.”

EU ”This site aims to be an indispensible resource providing the latest information on European social innovation.”

Philadelphia (US); ”the first online publication to bring a public focus to social innovators and their nonprofit organizations, foundations and social sector businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area, to recognize their successes and encourage others around the country to strive for similar results.”



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