Föreläsning med Elmira Bayrasli: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Unlikely Places

elmira19 november kl. 16:30 – 18:30
Sensus (Sensussalen), Studentgatan 2, Malmö

Elmira Bayrasli is co-founder of Foreign Policy Interrupted (FPI – a media and education platform that provides media training for women and works with media outlets on identifying female voices) and author of the a book, From the Other Side of the World: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Unlikely Places (Public Affairs, 2015)

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“I wrote this book to dispel that stereotype; to show that there are amazing men and women in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East leading high-growth, globally competitive companies that are innovating; to show that entrepreneurship isn’t about a place, but opportunity. The men and women in my book are using entrepreneurship to solve the problems that have plagued them for so long and revolutionizing the systems that have denied them progress. Ultimately, progress is what entrepreneurship is about. This book aims to change mindsets about who an entrepreneur is and where they are.”

Arranged by SENSUS and Malmö University in collaboration with Glokala Folkhögskolan, WINNET Malmö and Balkan Analysis Group


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