Samma frågor, olika regioner

Igor Calzada från Baskien besökte nyligen Malmö högskola. Jake Hunter som jobbar med mastersprogrammet Leadership for sustainability resonerar om hans presentation, och Fredrik filmade också sessionen.

”The seminar touched on several interesting aspects of Dr. Calzada’s PhD work, which examined and compared cases from the Basque country of Spain, Dublin, Ireland, and Portland, USA, involving the redesigning of territories, urban innovation, and transformation models. He was also able to draw many comparisons and similarities between what he is seeing in the Basque country and what is taking place in the Öresund region, particularly in Malmö with the transformation from an industrial to a social innovative mindset.”
Dr. Igor Calzada talks Social Innovation, Urban transformation, and much more at Malmö University – länk

Igor Calzada: Social Innovation? Same Questions Different Locations] from Fredrik Björk on Vimeo.


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