Precis när drakens år är över oss initieras en diskussion om samhällsentreprenörskap i Kina på (Tack Fredrik för tipset!). Hur ser fältet ut där? Är det andra saker som kännetecknar det som kan beskrivas som samhällsentreprenörskap? Vilket förståelse finns för att driva verksamheter med andra syften än vinst?

Intresset verkar iaf definitivt finnas, Muhammad Yunus fick snabbt över 36 000 följare när han för några veckor sedan öppnade konto på Weibo, Kinas motsvarighet till Twitter!

Social Entrepreneurship in China

”The recent Social Enterprise Summitin Hong Kong drew in more than 100 institutions and an audience of 1,000, with an increased presence from the mainland.

For all the talk, however, it is less clear how much is being translated into action. In many ways, it seems social entrepreneurship in China lags behind other dynamic, developing countries. Many outside of China are skeptical about the country’s intent and capacity to support social enterprise on a scale that will create real impact. At the same time, many also believe that China can achieve in two years what has taken other countries ten years to do, if it decides to prioritize at a national level the development of social enterprises. The crucial issue, of course, is the role the government chooses to play.

Although we are close to the scene we still have much to learn about the social sector in China. The country is incredibly diverse and full of apparent contradictions. As many have often commented, “whatever you hear about China is true somewhere.” Bearing this in mind, can we draw any conclusions about social enterprise and innovation trends in the world’s most populous country?”

Flera spännande inlägg finns i diskussionen, i olika riktningar. T ex ser signaturen Rodongo positivt på utvecklingen:

”Five years ago, debates on the meaning and applications of social entrepreneurship were already live and strong in many non-profit symposiums hosted in China. By now, the debates have echoed more often on than in the conference rooms, and the domestic SE field has become a truly dynamic landscape with thousands of self-declared social entrepreneurs and a dozen of supporting institutions and foundations.”

Vad händer de kommande åren? Hör vi så lite om fältet i Kina på grund av språkbarriären?

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