Inbjudan ”Seeds for a Happy New Year”

Planeringen av Internationella Arbetslags (IALs) nyårsseminarium går vidare. Vi är redo att bjuda in deltagare ifrån våra partnerorganisationer runt om i världen och även personer ifrån andra organisationer i Sverige som är nyfikna på IAL och seminariets teman: lycka, projektledning, inspiration och volontärläger.


Call for participants

IAL Sweden would like to welcome you to…

Seeds for a Happy New Year

28:th of December-1:st of January in Göteborg

(This training is open to anyone, but please note that travel reimbursement is only given to people travelling with environmentally friendly means of transport, bus, train or boat so the economic conditions are only suitable for people in Europe)

Would you like to have a Happy New Year?
Would you like to contribute to making the next year a happier year for others, too?
Do you consider working for it?
Would you like to learn more about how to organize projects so that they promote long term happiness, flow and well-being?
Would you like to learn more about inspiring others to join you?
Then, this seminar is for you!

During “Seeds for a Happy New Year”, we will study and practice the art of happiness. We will also take a look at what SCI (or another organization) does that promotes people’s happiness, and how we could contribute to even more happiness. We will learn project planning skills, try to use them to create a happiness promoting project (maybe a workcamp, or an inspiration/information project?), discuss what inspires us to volunteer and how to inspire other people to join us in our projects. Finally, we will all together create a happiness-themed new year’s eve celebration, where we will invite a few local people to join. (This is a non-alcoholic celebration and seminar).

You can join the seminar as…

·        Full time participant, taking part in the full training

·       Part time volunteers, participating in either the happiness or leading a project part of the seminar and during the rest of the time helping out  with cooking, beautifying, administration, preparing the new year’s eve celebration…

When: 28th of December 2012 to 1st of January 2013

Where: Göteborg, Sweden

For whom: We are able to welcome 24 participants to the event (19 full time and 5 part time volunteers), about half of you travelling from abroad. We wish that you as participants are interested in the topic of happiness and in leading a happiness-promoting project (workcamp, inspirational project…) within your organization. If you live in Sweden and are a bit curious about organizing an IAL workcamp, you are also most welcome to this event!

Cost: 300 SEK=37 euro (covering the training, food and accommodation) for full time participants and 0 SEK for part time volunteers.

Travel reimbursement: A travel reimbursement of 70 % for environmentally friendly means of transport (boat, bus or train) only.

Want to join? Application form can be downloaded from You will find it in the right hand column. Send the application form to your SCI branch. Your branch will after selection of 2 applications forward them to IAL

Deadline for application: IAL needs the applications by the 1st of December, and will then select participants and let you know shortly afterwards. If you live outside of Sweden, send your application to your branch a few days before. (If you need a visa please send the application as soon as possible, by the latest 20/11 so we have more time for the visa procedure).

Questions? Please send an e-mail to !

We very much hope to meet you in Göteborg during New Year!


Greetings from IAL Sweden


Invitation to Seeds for a Happy New Year

Applicationform Seeds for a Happy NewYear


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