Live: Perspektiv på finansiering inom samhällsentreprenörskap

Perspektiv på finansiering – Vikten av att skapa affärsrelationer mellan samhällsentreprenörer och affärsänglar

med Evelina Lundqvist, MBA (Donau Universität Krems) och The Good Tribe.

28 februari 2013, 13:15 – 15:15, C127 Orkanen/Malmö högskola

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Utgångspunkten för seminariet är den mastersuppsats som Evelina Lundqvist skrivit tillsammans med Michael Bauer-Leeb på detta tema, och de beskriver själva sina resultat på följande sätt:

”The study is based on semistructured interviews with a heterogeneous sample of four social entrepreneurs and four business angels. The authors employ social constructivism and critical discourse analysis to interpret the participants’ statements in order to draw a comprehensive picture of reality that comprises a multitude of perspectives.

Trust is identified as the most important factor facilitating business relationships between social entrepreneurs and business angels. Business angels impose immense requirements on social entrepreneurs: not only needs the social entrepreneur show excellence in creating social and/or environmental impact, and incorporate so called social qualities like solidarity, cooperation, or selflessness, he or she also needs to exhibit a broad set of entrepreneurial qualities, for instance drive, passion, perseverance, a sense of realism, displaying competitiveness and an eye for business.

There are not many cases available or known of business angels investing in social entrepreneurs’ ventures. The study theorizes that this is partly due to a very small pool of investors interested in investing in social ventures and partly due to a discursive gap between the discourse of businesses angels and social entrepreneurs, which is created by adding the word social to entrepreneurship, and extending the profit perspective to include social and/or environmental impact.”

Föreläsningen ges på svenska.


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