Sök till European Social Innovation Competition

Tävla med idéer för hur arbetslivet kan utvecklas och hög arbetslöshet tacklas – i den andra upplagan av European Social Innovation Competition.
Sök senast lunchtid 11 december (Centraleuropeisk tid).

”Do you have an idea to fight high unemployment? Do you think you could improve the working conditions of people stuck in low-paid jobs – whether because of their gender, age, social status or handicap? Do you know how to enhance opportunities for the 27 million Europeans currently out of work? Then the second European Social Innovation Competition is for you!

The Competition, launched in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos, invites Europeans to come up with new solutions to reduce unemployment and minimize its corrosive effects on the economy and our society both now and in the future. Social innovation is not only desirable, it is necessary.”

To apply – go to the COMPETITION WEBSITE;

It is possible to apply in all EU official languages using the entry form available on line (in English). The entry form is only 8-question long but it might be worth 30,000 euros.

Do not wait for the last minute! In less than nine days, it will be too late. The deadline is on 11 December 2013 at 12:00 (noon, Central European time).



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