Internationell inspiration: Finansiering

Sändning från ett internationellt onlinesamtal om finansiering, med bas från andra sidan jorden, Australien:

”How do we get money to the projects that are doing good around the world?

And as a changemaker how do I begin thinking about the best way to find the right kind of finance for my organisation?

Earlier this month, StartSomeGood brought together a panel of experts for our very first #SocEntHangout for Changemakers Festival, to explore the opportunities, obstacles and future directions in the rapidly changing world of social impact finance.

Joining us for the discussion was:

Sandy Blackburn-Wright – Social Finance Adviser for the Centre for Social Impact and Convenor of The Social Marketplace

Cameron Burgess –  the provocateur behind the widely wed blog uncompromise

Kaj Lofgren – Director of Strategy at Small Giants Group

Caroline Vu – New Generation of Giving Manager at Philanthropy Australia 

Tom Dawkins – Cofounder/CEO of

Our panelists looked at some of the emerging ways of financing social impact such as social impact bonds, impact investment and, of course, crowdfunding. ”

Läs mer videosändningen och samtalet hos Start Some Good →


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