Live-sändning – Design roles in social innovation

Live-sändning idag från seminariet ”Designing Publics, Publics Designing: Design roles in social innovation”

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”What roles may designers have in social innovation? What roles may the public, or publics, have? How to consider and collaborate with others in urban social innovation? These and related challenges will be addressed at a seminar in Stockholm on January 28th, 2014.



09:30 Mingle with coffee and tea
10:00 Welcome, Per-Anders Hillgren, release of Design ABC by Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, Louisa Szücs Johansson
10:15 Stephan Vincent ”Design in the public sector”
11:15 Andrea Botero and Per-Anders Hillgren “Public & Collaborative”, dialog with Maria Hellström Reimer
12:15 Lunch
13:15 ”Architectural and critical dimensions of urban social innovation”, Katja Grillner, Hélene Frichot, Meike Schalk and others, in dialog with Ramia Mazé
14:15 “Designing Publics, Publics designing”, panel with all speakers, moderated by Catharina Gabrielsson
15:00 Close”


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