Input: Crowdfunding High Heaven

Intervju – Crowdfunding High Heaven


Intervju med Nina Nordling i Steg 1 om den aktuella equity crowd funding-kampanjen för High Heaven.
OBS! Ljudet fungerade tyvärr mindre bra i inspelningen av skype-intervjun. Här finns därför samtalet även i text: Intervju_Crowdfunding_High_Heaven.pdf

→ Kampanjen hos fundedbyme – bara några dagar kvar!


+ Artikel om kampanjen på ”Crowdfunding coming to a start-up near you”

”The rise of crowdfunding platforms has forged a relationship between consumers and businesses like no other. It’s a partnership where consumers are not just customers, but investors, advisors and testers, able to engage, change and fund the projects that they want in their lives before they even leave the workshop floor.

But as a start-up, what’s it really like to put the fate of your business into the hands of people you’ve never met, and probably never will? We got talking to Nina Nordling of High Heaven as she reaches the end of her crowdfunding journey, to learn about the ‘highs’ and lows of launching her brand new project aimed at the female actions sports market. An article by Jade Persaud-Walters.”


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