Modelling your social business model – Entrepreneur lunch with Camille Duran

Entreprenörslunch – en del av internatet 26-27 maj!

Camille Duran som arbetar med social innovation i flera olika processer leder ett utforskande samtal om modeller för att få verksamheter att utvecklas med bärkraft. Om vi lyfter blicken – hur kan en verksamhetsmodell se ut som leder oss mot den punkt där vi vill vara om 5 år?

An explorative talk on developing business models for social entrepreneurship.

DATE & TIME May 26, 11:30-13:30
PLACE Glokala Folkhögskolan / Sofielunds Folkets Hus, Rolfsgatan 16, Malmö

In the café / restaurant:
11:30 – 12:15 Lunch – soup served for free from Världshus Marilú, Sofielunds Folkets Hus
In venue 16, second floor:
12:15 – 13:30 Camille Duran on modelling your social business model
+ time for questions and discussion
(The talk and conversation will be held in English)

If we look at where we want to be in 5 years time with our organiastion or social business – what would an organisational model look like that can lead the way? Did we really explore the possibilities in organising and collaborating with other actors?

Camille Duran leads the talk building on his experience, working with social innovation in Green White Space – a not-for-profit collaborating with organisations and governments. They’re based in Malmö but operate from San Francisco and Barcelona as well. One of their projects is called, an online course about Composting & Biogas generation for city officials in 26 countries.

More on Green White Space:

Join us for this lunch and talk – welcome!

SIGN-UP write to august [at] by May 23.

ORGANIZERS Glokala Folkhögskolan, Centrum för Publikt Entreprenörskap, Malmö högskola / Urbana studier




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