Glocal Futures – 14 december via livestream

Idag hålls ett spännande arrangemang i Vuollerim som du kan följa online.

Glocal Future event – Continuous action for vital local societies!

Welcome to this event with focus on Future, by looking into local actions of today. There will be two parts during the day.
Starting time 9 o´clock am.

Part 1 – Examples
Interactive part with sharing examples of local actions.
Common factors that makes local actions increase in both numbers and strength.


Part 2 – Common ground

Workshop discussing common ground for continuous local actions for vital societies!
Closing time 4 o’clock pm


Broadcast / sharing / conversation

Streaming live with Bambuser. 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm local time, GMT+1
Twitter hashtag: #glocalfuture
Tweet chat to engage in conversation:
More event information:


After event – Living Bridges Talk

After event. Starting time evening 8:30 to 10 GT+1
Summarizing and livestream event. Google hangout (on air = broadcast) together with SCF Gothenburg and SCWF global.
Livestream link will be posted on and on LBP facebook group.
Twitter hashtag: #glocalfuture
Tweet chat / questions:


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