Tips: Sök till SoPact – Social Impact Accelerator

SoPact är ett acceleratorprogram för samhällsentreprenörer med koppling till Skåne. Ansökan är öppen fram till och med 16 mars för att vara med programmet 1 april – 23 juni:

”LU Open launches a new accelerator for social ventures, to give them the same advantages as in the mainstream startup culture, but tailored to their needs.

Both new and established startups are welcome.

Deadline is March 16th 2016.
Accelerator starts on April 1st.”

Läs mer:

”The program will be running in at the new prototyping arena – ProLab in Lund starting April 1st to June 23rd 2016. Applicants will be assessed based on three main criteria:

  1. The impact potential of their startup
  2. The startups financial viability and
  3. The capacity and commitment of the team to achieve the vision.

The accelerator will be an intense program with a mix of workshops, mentoring and training with a focus on the vision, value proposition and business model. Support will be given in the execution of the idea, with the aim that each startup should complete the program with enough momentum to achieve a financially sustainable state. This of course includes access to a wide network of impact investors.

“Social entrepreneurship starts with the will to make the world a better place with new ideas. We want to help those people grow.”, says program manager Peter Løvschall who himself has successfully created two startups.

The team behind is a dynamic group of entrepreneurs with many years of experience in working with startups, both in Sweden and internationally. With a passion for a better world and a belief that economics should be a tool to achieve an objective, and not the objective itself. is a project financed by the European Union, Tillväxtverket and Lund University with a long term goal of global expansion for social entrepreneurship. Read more about the accelerator


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